Monday, September 9, 2013

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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Horseing Around

A couple of weeks ago I was invited to the Jumper Classic in Hampton Falls, NH. This little event is held every year and features some of the best event Jumpers in the world. In fact quite a few of them have even been to the Olympics. The event itself is held in a very lovely area and with the weather forecast showing bright sunshine and blue skies I couldn't resist. I tempted my bff to join me with promises of hors d'oeuvres and sparkly wine (works every time), so we threw on our sundresses and headed over. 

Everything is set to go.
Wine in hand already, I waste ZERO time!

Recognize the pretty lady with me? That's Aimee and her adorable seersucker dress is from LLBean. It's super cute and I totally had my eye on it when I stopped by the store earlier this summer. I didn't get it but she did and now, I'm totally jealous. My dress is a Lily Pulitzer from last season. I die for Lily dresses. They are a splurge, but the cut and designs are one of a kind and right up my fashion alley. Paired with wedges and pearls it's about as classic summer as you can get. 

Our lovely host.
We were lucky enough to be in the VIP tent which scored us front row seats to the action. The riders did an amazing job but the horses really stole the show. There is really nothing like watching an animal perform great feats of athleticism.  

I won't lie, I totally wanted to steal these outfits. Minus the helmets of course.

While we watched we got to snack on lots of yummy finger food. This little number was a smoked salmon and Gruyere spread on garlic toast. I think I had about 12 before I forced myself to stop. There were even some beautiful horses up for adoption. I briefly considered taking the little one home and setting him up on our front lawn but thought the better of it (I don't think he would get along too well with our cats).

It was the perfect day to sit outside, drink wine, eat food and watch animal and man come together in sport. We had a wonderful time and I'm already shopping online for another dress for next year. 

love and peace