Friday, October 18, 2013

The Ultimate Mac n' Cheese

 I am sure I'm not the only one who's appetite mysteriously begins to change this time of year. With the cooler weather comes those "comfort food" cravings, and nothing is quite as comforting as homemade Mac n' Cheese. While the hubs (when I'm watching) and I usually try to avoid most carbs we always give ourselves "cheat days", especially this time of year. I have a seriously passionate relationship with cheese so for me the ultimate cheat dish is my "Ultimate Mac n' Cheese". This is the perfect meal for a cool Sunday afternoon, especially in front of some football. I've added a few little bonus extras to my Mac that truly take it to a whole new level. This meal is not for the faint of heart, but is worth every. single. calorie. That is a promise.

Ahhh, beautiful cheese. I take this ingredient pretty seriously and don't mess around with the star of the show. I always try to go with creamy cheeses, but mix it up every time I make this dish. It's whatever jumps out at me and this time it was these three handsome fellows. I always get a bag or two of shredded cheddar too, as a backup dancer. Once I've admired the cheese as much as possible, I move on to actually preparing some of the ingredients. I start with 4-5 shallots (this is key, regular onions just aren't the same) sliced as thin as possible, so that when cooked they basically dissolve into the dish. 

For mushrooms I almost always use Baby Bellas (cut in half), but any wild mushroom would work.

My number one cooking ingredient is a glass of wine. Seriously, is it even possible to cook without drinking wine?! My number one bottle right now is Cupcake Vineyard's "Red Velvet". It's a red blend and goes with just about everything (trust me I've tested this). 

Once the mushrooms and shallots are ready to go I start shredding cheese. I basically shred all the cheese, then add in the cheddar. You can't really overdo this ingredient so don't be scared if it seems like an obscene amount.

Make sure the different cheeses are all mixed up. Hands work best!
Next, I get my saute on. Basically I "sweat" the shallots with olive oil so they start to get all soft and aromatic, then I add in the mushrooms, browning them slowly. You are not looking to cook these things so much they turn to mush, as they will be cooked even more once in the oven. 

This has got to be one of the best smells in the world!
Next I add some Sausage, my husband is a firm believer in the idea that a meal is not complete without meat, so this was a natural choice for me. Can't say I mind it much myself either!

Once everything is cooked through (but not overcooked) I put it in a bowl or container, cover it, and set it aside for later. Next up is the magic sauce. I start with about 3-4 cups of WHOLE milk and heat it to a "pre-boiling" point. Once it is heated I start adding the cheese slowly while stirring constantly. You should add about half of the cheese that you have. I also add a good amount of pepper and a tiny bit of Italian seasoning.

After about 5-7 minutes your sauce should start to look all melty and frothy. DO NOT heat past this point! When cheese is overcooked the protein molecules (look how smart I am) start to separate and that's when your sauce will start to get grainy. I have made this mistake multiple times and can't stress enough how important this step is. Before taking the sauce off the heat I add one last and very special ingredient...

I LOVE  truffle oil, but a little goes a long way so just a splash or two will do. We got this bottle online as it's hard to find around us, even at specialty stores. It's expensive but will last forever and is totally worth the investment. It really brings out different flavors and adds a kick to everything! Once the sauce is done I start to put everything together. 

Once you've added the sausage mixture and the cheese sauce add the rest of the shredded cheese (leave a little to sprinkle on top) and just stir it all together. At this point you should be drooling (if you are human). Throw it in the oven at 350 for about 35-45 minutes or until it begins to brown on the top.

Our Kitty "Spike" wanted to add Cat Nip to the Mac n' Cheese but I told him no, so he seasoned himself instead and then proceeded to pass out.
After about 40 minutes I pulled the pan out of the oven and got down to business. Serving this little beauty is pretty simple. One scoop will usually put you into a cheese coma so don't overdo the servings. I sprinkled a little cut up parsley to make it look pretty and we got our gluttony on. 

The Final Product
If you're looking for comfort food, look no further than this recipe. It will satisfy you in the way that only something this sinful can. Enjoy, and don't forget that glass of wine, it makes everything better!

Love and Peace,

Thursday, October 10, 2013

10 Things I've Learned in My First Year of Marriage

Our one year anniversary is right around the corner which got me to thinking about the past year and what a lucky lady I am. Marriage is so controversial these days and it seems like a rarity to see a couple actually make it. I cannot know what the future may hold but I know that I will take every year, every month and every day with my amazing husband, as a blessing. The following list is not coming from an expert, and I don't expect ANYONE to take my advice as most of these are still a work in progress for me, but so far this is what I have learned. 

1. Say “I love you” every day (and truly mean it). This one should be a no brainer, but with busy lives I think it often gets forgotten. There are even couples who are dating who rarely say it. Letting your partner know they are loved and appreciated is so important, but this shouldn't be a throwaway phrase. When you say it, look them in the eye and let the weight of those words fall on them.

2. Fights will happen. But, when they do they should make you stronger as a couple. Yell, scream, cry, but always come to a conclusion. Talk it out. Talk so much that you both want to tear your hair out. Talk so much that you forget why the fight started. Talk so much that you actually learn something new about your partner. When it’s all done, hug each other, apologize and forgive, and refer to number one.

3. Date. I know this one is cliché but it is so true. Make the time to date your spouse. Go out to your favorite restaurant, put your phones away, and just simply enjoy the company of the person you chose to spend your life with. Make these moments count, this is what life and love is really about. Connecting with another person and enjoying what the world has to offer, together.

4. Dress to Impress. I know your spouse should (and probably does) love you with no makeup on and dirty hair, but they shouldn’t have to all the time. Once in a while put on a pretty dress, curl your hair, use some blush (or the male equivalent to these things), and do it just for them. This will not only be a reminder of how lucky they are, but will also boost your confidence, which we all know is the sexiest thing of all.

5. Grow Individually. Read, write, exercise, start new hobbies. Whatever you do, just keep growing as a person. Keep getting excited about things, keep finding passion in new places, keep surprising yourself and your spouse. You fell in love when you were both dynamic individuals, don’t stop being those people.

6. Grow Together. Lasting relationships are always changing. Don’t expect to be the same couple that you were 10, 5 or even 1 year ago. As you find new strengths and weaknesses in yourselves, you will find them in each other. There will be highs, and there will be lows and you will learn how to adapt together. You will become a team, taking on new challenges and coming out the other end as something different, something stronger.

7. Play. Don’t take yourself or your partner too seriously. Be a goofball, get into tickle fights, and chase each other around the house. Cultivate your sense of humor and practice it on them. I remember being a little kid and thinking marriage was going to be awesome because I would have someone to play with ALL the time, keep that childish dream alive and have some damn fun!

8. Live in the moment. Everyone gets caught up in planning for the future. Sometimes it’s as if every day is spent simply thinking about the next. In a new marriage the future questions can be deafening. When is it time for the house? When are the kids on the way? While these are questions that need to be considered, it is important to simply enjoy this moment. You have been lucky enough to find someone you like enough to vow your life to them. Enjoy them, be grateful for what you have, make memories together. Savor this period in time right now, it will pass, don’t miss it!

9. Touch each other. Intimacy is a human need, and is one that is often not met. We long for closeness and the feeling of skin on skin. Hold hands, cuddle, scratch each other’s backs, just keep that contact going. A lot of studies say that the first way to tell if a person is “into you” is to see if they make an effort to touch you on a regular basis, this should continue past flirtation. While we are the subject, touch each other in bed too (besides the sex stuff, which is super important but is a subject unto itself) even if it’s just putting your head in the crook of their arm while watching t.v., use that moment to connect.

10. Kiss goodnight and say good morning. No matter what, always kiss each other before rolling over to sleep, you are closing your day together with a moment of pleasure, love and celebration of your union. On that same note, always start your day with a greeting to the most important person in your life. These are simple ways to tell each other, and the universe, that you are taking on the world together, as a team, as husband and wife.

Thank you to my best friend, soul mate and husband for teaching me these things. I look forward to a day 40 years down the road when I can read this with you and laugh about all that we still had to learn. Here's to love and all it's wonders.

Love and Peace,

Monday, September 9, 2013

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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Horseing Around

A couple of weeks ago I was invited to the Jumper Classic in Hampton Falls, NH. This little event is held every year and features some of the best event Jumpers in the world. In fact quite a few of them have even been to the Olympics. The event itself is held in a very lovely area and with the weather forecast showing bright sunshine and blue skies I couldn't resist. I tempted my bff to join me with promises of hors d'oeuvres and sparkly wine (works every time), so we threw on our sundresses and headed over. 

Everything is set to go.
Wine in hand already, I waste ZERO time!

Recognize the pretty lady with me? That's Aimee and her adorable seersucker dress is from LLBean. It's super cute and I totally had my eye on it when I stopped by the store earlier this summer. I didn't get it but she did and now, I'm totally jealous. My dress is a Lily Pulitzer from last season. I die for Lily dresses. They are a splurge, but the cut and designs are one of a kind and right up my fashion alley. Paired with wedges and pearls it's about as classic summer as you can get. 

Our lovely host.
We were lucky enough to be in the VIP tent which scored us front row seats to the action. The riders did an amazing job but the horses really stole the show. There is really nothing like watching an animal perform great feats of athleticism.  

I won't lie, I totally wanted to steal these outfits. Minus the helmets of course.

While we watched we got to snack on lots of yummy finger food. This little number was a smoked salmon and Gruyere spread on garlic toast. I think I had about 12 before I forced myself to stop. There were even some beautiful horses up for adoption. I briefly considered taking the little one home and setting him up on our front lawn but thought the better of it (I don't think he would get along too well with our cats).

It was the perfect day to sit outside, drink wine, eat food and watch animal and man come together in sport. We had a wonderful time and I'm already shopping online for another dress for next year. 

love and peace

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Movie in the Square

There is really nothing like summer evenings in New England. There is an aura of calmness mixed with a dash of promise, that no other season can touch. It's as if these nights could last forever. Unfortunately that is not the case, and as August dwindles away I am acutely aware that fall is just around the corner. While I love cozy sweaters and the apple scented chill in the air, I like to get the most of these warm evenings before they are gone. That's why when I heard about the dinner/movie series in the mill courtyard downtown I immediately got tickets, put on my floatiest maxi skirt, grabbed my man and headed to town. 

When we arrived I was pleasantly surprised with the layout. Everything looked positively inviting in the fading sunlight.

The backdrop of the mills was perfection. These mills are the backbone of our little town, and are slowly but surely being renovated into the architectural beauties that they were always meant to be. This specific building was just finished and is now about 170 luxury apartments. See that tower, that is an apartment and the top row of windows is actually the master bedroom. The hubs and I looked at these places during the construction process and it's suffice to say that this is seriously a dream living space.

Each night a different restaurant "hosts" the event, along with other local sponsors, and provides the food. Tonight it was Kelly's Row (an Irish pub) As we settled in we were given two menus. One for a buffet and one for burgers and sandwiches. The buffet menu looked pretty exciting.

But I had a one track mind and quickly ordered myself a burger topped with bacon and cheese. After ordering we relaxed, had a few cocktails, snacked on a yummy fruit and cheese plate, and waited for the sun to set and the movie to begin.

Finally as darkness encroached, the movie began. The flick was "Anchorman" which is exactly the type of movie I wanted to watch after a couple of glasses of wine on a warm Tuesday evening. Laughter could be heard throughout the square as the people of Dover came together over food and Ron Burgandy. As the movie got into gear, my burger arrived and life was complete.

I am already counting the days until the next movie night in the square. It was so wonderful to see the people of our little town come out to share this experience. It's things like this that make me simply adore where we live. I highly recommend this and am looking forward to next year's lineup. It's the perfect date, girls night out, or just a way to get to know people in the community. As we strolled home hand in hand in the warm darkness, I tried not to notice the slight chill in the air and instead inhaled the magic of the moment.

love and peace

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Wedding Flashback

The big day was about 9 months ago but since this little nugget (the blog, not a baby) was just recently born I thought I would do a bit of a flashback to the scene of the crime. This is by no means a full rundown of events, just a glimpse of the magic that was our ceremony in paradise. We chose Costa Rica because it was just one of those places we had both been pining after for years. We found a great little surfing town on the ocean called Tamarindo, picked a resort, gathered our friends and family and away we went. Due to some weather issues our flight/travel time was about 35 hours. By the time we arrived in Costa Rica,and hoped on our personal tour bus, we were a very tired but happy crew!

The bus took us immediately to a little roadside store where we loaded up on Imperial and headed for our resort Barcelo Langosta. Upon arrival we were greeted with the rest of our wedding gang and of course, a few tropical cocktails.

The next few days were a blur as we prepared for the wedding and spent some quality time with our loved ones. The big day was a total whirlwind and honestly I don't remember much, up until I was standing across from my future husband. The resort did a truly wonderful time putting the whole shebang together though, and I had my amazing photographer cousin there to capture every moment.

See that beautiful lady to my right? That's my maid of honor and best friend and she just happens to have an amazing blog... We do everything together so expect to see her face again!

When my dad walked me down the aisle I was a nervous wreck. But (just like the movies) as soon as I saw "his" face everything calmed down and I realized I was simply walking toward my other half. The sun began to set as we said our vows.

The new Mr. and Mrs. took some time for the papparazzi as the sun set behind us.

Before we toasted our union we got our whole crew together for the best picture of the bunch.

We couldn't have been more lucky with the setting, the weather, and most of all the crowd. When we began planning our wedding we were aiming for a wedding that "felt like we were eloping but with our friends and family". Thanks to all the amazing people in our life we were actually able to achieve that. The rest of the evening went on in a flurry of dancing, eating and toasting. After our wedding we headed off into Costa Rica for two weeks of adventure for our honeymoon. That trip is so personal we like to keep in under wraps, but you can imagine we had some fun! Before we left though I snuck in a quick surfing trip with some of our guests.

It was a perfect wedding, and a perfect trip. I recommend Tamarindo to everyone I meet (people are starting to think I work for the tourist board). It is the perfect mixture of beach, jungle, relaxation, fun and adventure. It was a spectacular way to start our new lives together and we can't wait to go back for our five year anniversary, so stay tuned!

love and peace